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How we grew a new startup by 12X during the lockdown and generated 1300+ new business enquiries online!
A planned and well-executed SEO strategy can be powerful for your business.
Do you want to improve traffic on your website and ultimately generate quality leads? Search engine optimization or SEO, when well planned and strategically executed can help put any business on the digital map.
Businesses often put in so much effort to build a good online presence but often overlook optimization. SEO has the potential to generate multiple leads and has a short turn around time. This means that you will be able to see quick results.
With the current pandemic at hand, unexpected changes made this a challenging project, and delivering extraordinary results seemed next to impossible! However; with careful analysis and implementation of best practices, we were able to achieve more than what we expected.
Through this case study, you will be able to identify the gaps that may be existing in your current digital marketing plan.
Our report will also introduce you to our style of working which relies on smart analytics, tools, and techniques that may not be known to most marketers.
Don’t miss out on this chance to access our case study which is only FREE for a limited period of time!
We’re a growth-focused and ROI driven digital marketing agency. Over our years of experience, we have seen rapid growth and have carved our niche in the field of digital marketing for family businesses, educational institutions, non-profit organizations, to name a few!
Our ideology is strongly research-based and we believe in a deep understanding of a business when we partner with our clients. Our approach is result-oriented, yet integrated.
While going through this case-study, our attention to detail will speak to you. You may find aspects that you never thought important enough to consider. So, without much further ado, let our work speak for itself!
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