We all know the importance of blogging for generating awareness, traffic and leads to our website. Blogging is one activity which can actually ensure that there’s plenty of organic traffic coming to your website on a daily basis, without have to rely on other expensive forms of marketing such as Facebook or Google Ads. However, if only writing content was that easy! One of the most challenging parts of writing a blog post is the headline itself and not so surprisingly, your blog post’s headline is perhaps the most important line because that is what 8 out of 10 readers will read. If the headline is impactful or “clickworthy”, you can actually get a lot of clicks and shares from Social Media as well.
In this blog post, we will discuss over 74 ideas for writing great blog post headlines and there’s a neat infographic that you can save for future reference.
74 Ideas for Writing Great Blog Post Headlines
This is a great list of clever blog post title templates with easy fill in the blanks. Hence, you can adapt this to any type of blog writing – whether it’s business blogging, personal blogging or even just video blogging. Headline writing is one skill which can be invaluable in a digital content marketer’s box of tools.
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