Content writing and copywriting are two art forms of content marketing that need a special set of skills. Every content marketer worth his salt must have this special set of skills if they are to succeed in today’s world. Now these skills do not involve spinning tales out of nowhere like fiction writers do. These require you to spin stories around hard facts, stories which will move readers and potential leads to take out their wallets and buy from you. This makes the task all the more challenging. And fun.

Consider this line of thought: It is easier to transport people into a world of make belief and convince them about living in a fantasy land, than to actually put people in a very real situation and convince them that they are at the right place at the right time and doing the right thing. This is where copywriting and content writing skills come into picture because here, the content marketer needs to manipulate his readers’ minds and persuade them to believe in what he writes. A few writers have mastered the skill with great élan. Fortunately for the rest of us, they have started blogs and shared the secrets of their success and the lessons learned through failure.
Here are . They have been listed in no particular order.
16 copywriting blogs every content marketer needs to follow
These blogs have been listed in no particular order.
A brainchild of the very experienced Sally Ormond from UK, Freelance Copywriter’s Blog gives you a wealth of information on all aspects of effective copywriting. The posts published touch upon the basics of copywriting, mistakes to avoid, how to overcome the risk of producing stale content, how to optimise a copy and so much more. The blog is a great place to start for content marketers who are just starting out.
Daryl Lang is the mind behind Breaking Copy and his specialty is to present the most common things in the most unique ways. You should read his blogs to learn how to grab attention with just a single powerful headline. His latest blog is titled “How to Sell a Laptop with a Stupid Copy”! Who wouldn’t want to read more of an article titled so attractively? Breaking Copy is a great place to learn the skills needed for commercial copywriting.
Ben Settle is a master copywriter. His writing is crisp, amazingly to the point and very attractive. You can learn the skill of how to say more using fewer words, small sentences and simple language. In his blog posts, Ben touches upon different aspects of copywriting in the most precise manner. You are going to love this blog.
Copyblogger is much more than a copywriter’s blog; it has grown into a multimillion-dollar brand called Copyblogger Media that offers a wide range of educational products based on content marketing. In 1998, far before the term “content marketing” was coined, the founder of Copy Blogger, Brian Clark, was already dishing out the concept. This blog is a mini-university for copywriters and content marketers. If you want a full university experience, sign up for their paid lessons.
Founded by Joe Pulizzi, Copy Marketing Institute offers more than interesting blog posts elucidating the basics and advanced copywriting features. The Institute offers webinars, seminars, videos, research papers, e-books and many other resources to help a content marketer master their skill. Sign up for a free webinar on Copy Marketing Institute and pick up tips that you will not find anywhere else on the whole World Wide Web.
These are men with pens and their pens really talk. Interesting tips, engaging topics and in-depth information make spending time on Men with Pens worth it. The posts are written by experts from all over the world, and every post strikes a chord with readers in some way. Besides copywriting, you also get to know about entrepreneurship, how websites appeal to target audience and how you can make the most of almost everything on your site.
Web Ink Now is a blog by David Meerman Scott, a marketing expert with decades of experience. Through his blog, David brings to light the many nuances of writing, the art of marketing, trends on the web and a lot of other informative stuff. He has also penned eight bestsellers on “Marketing”. Follow his blog for some refreshing views on conventional copywriting and marketing.
Spark Sheet is a hardcore content and copy marketing blog. Formed by a team of 8 enthusiasts who bring years of experience in magazine editing, marketing, writing, journalism and media, Spark Sheet blends all these arenas to give you a complete picture about the requirements of copies that sell. Sparksheet is also an award-winning multichannel magazine that explores how different companies use content to promote their businesses.
Tom Albrighton, who has over 15 years experience in writing, content structuring, content planning, editing, creative rewriting, improving copies and many other content related aspects, offers the benefits of his expertise and experience through ABC Copywriting. Check out Tom’s attitude towards content development in this article and you’ll know why he is one of the top writers in the world.
Robert Bly speaks about the different aspects of creating a great copy. The way he connects similes between content marketing and real life situations such as Elvis’s songs or horse riding or funeral speeches is very interesting. These similes also prove the point he is trying to make with astounding clarity. This is one great blog to follow.
If you are a content marketer, you probably already know about Seth. He’s the guy who puts out a blog post every single day. And he’s been doing that for years! This blog is a treasure house full of interesting articles on marketing and general business advice. Known as an advocate of a new style of marketing which he calls “Permission Marketing”, Seth is famous for his one-liners and innovative titles. Seth truly believes that “Content marketing is the only marketing left”. Check out his blog and spend some time on it – it will be highly productive.
Gloria Rand is an SEO copywriter, speaker and social media consultant. In her blog, she speaks about the demands of social media marketing and what kind of copies click on these platforms. She also has her own YouTube channel where she educates businesses about marketing on the web.
Founded by Matt Ambrose, this blog is as interesting as its name. Matt takes readers through different stages of becoming a content writer. He puts forth his own experiences, talks about his mistakes and gives tips that can help you avoid mistakes that he could not avoid. For upcoming copywriters, the Crucible is a perfect learning resource.
Interact Media is a content marketing firm that has grown by leaps and bounds in the past few years, courtesy the excellent copies produced by its team of brilliant content marketers. The blog of the company gives you an insight into what companies look for in content and how you can produce good copies. It is a blog worth following.
Grok is a marketing firm that offers some great advice on content writing and social media. The blogs give you an out-of-the-box view of the most common perceptions of content marketing, website promotions and customer management. The blog posts are wonderful resources for improving your skills as a content marketer.
A copywriting blog written by Joanna Weibe, CopyHackers is a must-have blog on your list of bookmarks. With tons of highly actionable advice on how to write convincing copy to her own conferences and online courses, Joanna will give you a treasure house copywriting advice.
The web is a vast repository of blogs and websites so this is by no means an exhaustive list. We will keep discovering and sharing more resources so that you can hone your skill as a content marketer and writer and become better at it, day by day. If you know of a great copywriting blog that we might have missed out, please do share it in the comments.